Copyright Notice and Re-Use Permissions

All information appearing on the Vintage Triumph Register World Wide Web site protected by copyright.

It is unlawful to reprint or reproduce the text, photos, or graphics on this site without express written permission. Such restrictions include, but are not limited to, reprinting or reproduction in books, magazines, newsletters, or any other format, whether by traditional methods, electronic mail, internet web sites, or fax.

This site is viewed with the understanding that the information presented is from many varied sources from which there can be no warranty or responsibility by the publisher with regard to accuracy or completeness. All opinions expressed in the articles, columns, and other material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Vintage Triumph Register. VTR is not responsible for any technical advice which may appear on this site.

Express written permission is hereby granted to Officially Chartered Chapters of the Vintage Triumph Register to reprint and reproduce any text, photos, and articles contained herein under the following conditions:

  • Both the original author(s) and The Vintage Triumph Register must be appropriately credited with the publication of any information from this site.
  • Appropriate credit for original author(s) requires the use of the full name(s) of the authors, as listed on the VTR web site.
  • Appropriate credit for The Vintage Triumph Register requires the use of the full official name of the organization: “The Vintage Triumph Register” and the URL for the VTR web site,
  • Any such reproduction or reprinting must be done on a not-for-profit basis.
  • If the reproduction or reprinting of material is on a web site, the page with the quoted material must include a link to the URL
  • If the reproduction or reprinting of material is on an internet web site, notification of the intent to reproduce such material online must be sent to
  • If the reproduction or reprinting of material is in printed format, a PDF copy of the entire publication in which the reproduced or reprinted material appears must be sent to the VTR .

Express written permission will typically be granted to other non-profit organizations desiring to reprint and reproduce any text, photos, and articles contained herein under the same conditions required of Officially Chartered VTR Chapters. To acquire such express written permission, send your request via email to .

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